"But by the grace of God I am what I am:" 1 Corinthians 15:10a

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why I've decided to blog......

My name is Nathan Pelkey, I'm the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Unity, ME.  I have been battling with the idea of having a blog for some time.  I have thought about doing it and just when I'm on the brink of starting one I decide I just don't have the time.  However, I've decided that because we serve such a wonderful God who blesses us in such magnificent ways this would give me an outlet to share all that God is doing in our Church and our lives! 

My wife and I moved to Unity almost 3 years ago and started Bible Baptist Church in our home.  We started with 10 people and have grown slowly and surely ever since.  We have seen several people saved and we have seen people grow deeper in God's Word and in there relationship with Him!  In the last 6 weeks we have appointed our first Deacon, gone to faith promise missions, and after 3 years of singing accapella we now FINALLY have a piano player, woohoo, Praise God!!!

God has been so good and we do not deserve His love but I'm sure glad for it!  I praise Him everyday for His grace and mercy, I know He doesn't need me but, I'm sure glad He wants me!!!!  I will share more about what is going on in Unity and our vision in the future :-) GLORY I'M SAVED!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad you've decided to blog! I just love to read about what the Lord is doing at Bible Baptist.
