"But by the grace of God I am what I am:" 1 Corinthians 15:10a

Friday, December 2, 2011

Praise God, for answered Prayers...

It has been just over three years since we started Bible Baptist Church.  After three years of singing acappela and praying for God to bring a piano player to BBC, He has answered that prayer!!!  A young couple with many talents from our sending church has decided to come join BBC and serve the Lord here. What an amazing God we serve.  We have had opportunity to lower our music standards, to have other instruments that would have given a contemporary feel, and several other potential options.  Praise God that we have had a supportive, patient, and faithful church family that have loved the old hymns as much as I do, even singing them acapella!  We are so thankful that God blesses faithfulness and obedience.  GLORY I'M SAVED!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Josh and I are very excited for you all. The piano adds such a sweet spirit during the song service...just something about having someone play. And we are very happy you got a great young couple to add to your congregation. Such a blessing!! Love you guys and praying for you and your church.
